Come to the Capitol Jan 10 - May 8 to shift the spiritual climate at the Capitol
Colorado legislators have asked believers to join in prayer and praise at the Capitol throughout the second regular session of the 74th General Assembly from January 10 through May 8,
The mission is to exalt the Name of the Lord under the golden dome and welcome the manifest power and presence of The Lord into the State Capitol.
The mission is to exalt the Name of the Lord under the golden dome and welcome the manifest power and presence of The Lord into the State Capitol.
Individuals and groups will meet at 8:30am in the Capitol's basement rotunda. (near the stairs). We ask that you plan pray/worship at least 2 hours and are welcome to stay the whole day.
Check the attached pdf file which is a schedule of the days of the legislative session and the assigned county each day. Choose your day from the pdf file then click that day below to sign up. You can sign up for the day assigned to your county, an open day or any day that works for your schedule.
Check the attached pdf file which is a schedule of the days of the legislative session and the assigned county each day. Choose your day from the pdf file then click that day below to sign up. You can sign up for the day assigned to your county, an open day or any day that works for your schedule.
Dates and locations
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 08:30 am to 04:00 pm (Mountain Time (US & Canada))
Sign Up to Come to The Capitol
I will represent PITKIN COUNTY on April 17Unlimited